i have an issue i cant fix, if anyone can check out the video caps below. $100 reward for info leading to the fix.
the modeling toolkit manipulator stops working, cant select handles and drag (only on some verts sometimes). it works fine with legacy manipulator, or when i switch to quad view ports. if i reset prefs it will fix for a while but comes back (not sure how or why)..
We've been diff comparing prefs and trying to set different variables in script, tried multiple drivers, messed with every setting in modeling toolkit and anywhere else i can find. i have this posted on the area forum to no avail so far. one guy had the problem in 2016 but fixed it by dumping prefs, if i dump it comes back. and im in prodution anyways, so i do have to open files this happened on. but i can induce the problem with a blank scene and cube.
i have a dirty for sure broken prefs file saved off that i can load and force the problem to happen, but none of our varibale fixing will correct this. going to try and swap video cards when IT gets in but i don't think its that....if anyone has seen this or has any fix let me know, im in production and need to move.
3 small video caputres, needs tech switch codec, or view with vlc player.
this is just a hunch, so don't hold your breath. I noticed you have your viewport rendering API set to DirectX11. Is there any specific reason for that? Maya defaults to OpenGL.
If you haven't tried this already, set it to OpenGL. Go to the menu item Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences. Choose Category: Display. At the bottom of the panel find Viewport 2.0 and set Rendering engine: OpenGL and Default viewport: Viewport 2.0.
Save, restart Maya and see if it makes any difference.
try change clipping plane:
setAttr "perspShape.nearClipPlane" 0.001;
setAttr "perspShape.farClipPlane" 10000000;
SyncviewS, i have to run dx11 for our gametools/shaders. i switched my card out with an ATI and im in working order so im getting some work done. when the day ends ill force the problem prefs file and see if it still happens on the ATI.
Maya 2015 sp6. extension 1, all service packs, windows uptdates etc, tried on the last few revisions of the nvidia drivers. i definitively messed with clipping planes a bunch, as well as all the preferences for the manipulators, pick range,dead zone, influence region stuff.
thanks for the suggestions. hopefully this different video card is it, but i don't want to test until later tdoay/
selectPref -manipClickBoxSize 4;
selectPref -clickBoxSize 4;
selectPref -xformNoSelect 0;
in about an hour from this post im going to load the dirty prefs.
if its busted on this ATI card ill try your suggestion first. maybe it will just work though (then im stuck with ATI..heh). ill post my results though, thanks again...
ive been trying stuff like this with a bunch of the gpu variables..
int $result;
$result = `optionVar -q "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingAuto"`;// 1
and this one
//Forcing specific Viewport 2.0 gpu settings for Robb's PC in order to avoid
// a nasty mtk manipulator bug. By default, these were all being set to 0
// for some reason.
-iv "gpuCacheAllAuto" 1
-iv "gpuCacheBackgroundReading" 1
-iv "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingAuto" 1
-iv "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingRefresh" 1000
-iv "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingRefreshAuto" 1
-iv "gpuCacheDisableVertexArraysAuto" 1
-iv "gpuCacheGlSelectionMode" 2
-iv "gpuCacheGlSelectionModeAuto" 1
were diffing the 2 preferences right before and after i swap to legacy and back....and yea i did try all those Saf plus amny more....