Hello and thanks in advance for your help.
I'm finally getting around to using the Quixel suite for the first time after having trouble getting it running a few weeks back, which you helped me fix.
My current issue is that when editing parameters in NDO and previewing my model in 3DO the material on the model will switch to purple in the previewer as if it's using the normal map color for the diffuse somehow. This happens every time. I created a quick gif which illustrates what is going on.
I think the trouble I am having selecting some of the settings may be related to the screen capture and also I noticed when I an trying to input numbers into the size slider it changes the layers opacity somehow.

So I still don't know why it's doing this, but I know what is happening. For some reason, when I am messing with sliders and different parameters within NDO, the specular slider within 3DO gets turns all the way up. Kind of strange as I am not messing with the sliders within 3DO at all when this happens. At least it's a relatively easy thing to fix now. Before I had to restart photoshop and the suite.