Hi Guys,
I am looking for some feedback on the environment I am currently making for a game I am working on. We are a 2 man team, I do all the modelling and artwork for the game and my partner does all the other fancy stuff and programming.
After writing our design document for the game we have picked our engine of choice and I have commenced the blockout phase for our starting point for the environment.
Brief Plot:
Our character is a maintenance worker who works underground in the Paris Catacombs. Your on call going to fix a problem with a leaking pipe, you make your way from your office and through the Catacombs passing tourists. Reaching the room you inspect the issue, water is spraying from the pipes and flooding the room. The floor collapses and you fall deep down underground.
Our starting point is our main characters office which I have started to blockout in UE4 using the fantastic SuperGrid assets which are available on the Marketplace.
Here are some shots:
The lighting at the moment is WIP, I am trying to make it look like moonlight is shining through those windows, whilst giving the room a small bit of light (ceiling light I will be modelling in the style of a light swinging from the ceiling on a wire)
Here are 2 shots in Unlit mode. The stairs heading up to the doorway will be an emergency door/fire escape, the player won't be able to get through this door but I wanted to give the room a little more interest.
This is just the blockout of the first level where the game is going to start. We plan on having the player start in the small office by the desk sitting on a chair when they get the call for the pipe issue that starts the events that happen in the rest of the game.
Please let me know what you think. It is very rough and the layout is small but I would love to get some feedback. I am planning to start making the big meshes next such as the walls etc.
Thanks very much for the feedback Bedrock. I will start on some very basic materials just to get more of a feel for the environment, I didn't think of doing this it totally skipped my mind (still new to all this haha)
Thanks again man!