Hi! I've graduated last year but for personal reasons I couldn't work on my folio until about three months ago. Managed to wrap up two pieces since then however and now would be a prime time for me to get some paying work at a studio.
I would really appreciate some feedback regarding pretty much anything on the website the layout, projects, loading time, CV, spelling mistakes anything.
My screen rez is 1680 x 1050 and the images fall outside that which means I have to scroll, something I think people dont like to do, but I dont know what the most popular screen sizes are for your target audience.
The images load slow here and I have a pretty quick connection. Mostly photoshop 'save for the web' jpg 80% is enough. Anyhow the site layout is good. I checked it on my mobile and it looks great. In verticle mode the images fall off the screen a bit but in horizontal mode they work really well. The site and images are quicker on my phone than on the workstation.
Personally I would like to see a contact and about page. I hope you get more feedback from environment folks. I think you should have no trouble getting work with the quality you show here.
Maybe one suggestion would be to center the nav bar and use text instead of the images for the links. Also the linked in link does not work for me.
The layout and everything is pretty good though nice and simple.
the flowers are also flying, thats the first thing i noticed. you could just put them a bit lower
second scene looks good
on the third , that door on the last pic stands out in a bad way, maybe just cut that one screenshot its not too exciting and the door is rather low def and would require a remake
the 4th scene dosnt really hold up to the other scenes, if you want to keep it, id recommend redoing the tree crust around the house and add some polish overall
website looks nice, nothing to say there
I will try to hack in some kind of automatic rescale, but I have zero html/css experience so this might be exceptionally tricky. I think the images average 800kb, I'll see how the quality looks with higher compression. I'm not going to lie I was primarily focusing on high res + high quality for when I show my work at the interview, but I don't like the idea of people bailing out on my website because it's slow.
Hmm I was always told the about me page was a waste. "Just let them look at your work, read your CV and that's it" kind of thing. As for the contact page I'm not sure what I would put there. Got email and linked in, phone number and address is not something I'm planning to add to the website. I know people have that fill-out form to send emails, but I find them a bit redundant. If there's something I could add there though let me know.
@mats effect
The bridge scene is pretty straight forward though with the textures because it involved a lot of manual texturing whilst the guildhall relied on 2-3 master materials (that are absolutely massive due to vertex paint shader).. I will try and see if I can squeeze those down into a easily readable format.
By nav bar you mean the CV in linkedin buttons right? Yeah that's pretty much the only place I could put them, having them as text links is actually a sound idea. Maybe under the email address? I will have to try that. Also I've tried the linked in button on multiple PCs and it worked, but for a friend it didn't... ugh another reason to remove it. I would probably break something trying to fix it.
You have me a bit confused with the colors bit, you want me to increase it? I'm unsure only because you said you prefer the "black and white" version. I'll post some before/after here and see what people prefer. The flying flowers thing is deliberate, but it is a little too high in places.
Agree on the door not looking that great. As for the 4th scene I was expecting people to tell me to remove it, but thanks for giving tips on improving it. Unfortunately UDK just crashes when I move the camera in that scene so I can't do much there but I could look into porting the whole thing into U4, if only because the piece has some of my drawings/concepting that people really liked to see.
Thanks guys for the feedback!
Regarding the colors of the bridge diorama, I believe it looks perfect. Adding more color would be overpowering, consider the viewer has different settings for their monitors, some may have heavy contrast or saturation. Your piece sits in a good medium.
A good balance of stylized and realistic. Great site as well.
Great work.
Was going to remove the 4th piece after I've uploaded my current project, but since I'm putting that on hold for the time being I will just move this one down to the bottom (also added bonus u4 shots of some conversion/texturing I've done some time ago). Actually ended up talking about this piece when I was asked how I improved over the years and how I do stuff differently so it has some use at least.