It looks like your null ref is coming from your character controller and not the camera controller.
Run a simple test:
-assign your cameraChange script to a box and disable the mesh renderer
-set the collider on the box to "Trigger"
-assign your two cameras to the CameraChange script
-create a capsule, set its tag to "Player"
-hit play and drag the capsule into the box
A null reference exception means you're trying to do something with a variable that isn't set.
i'd recommend learning the basics of unity scripting if you're having trouble here
if you're still having trouble please copy/paste the nullref exception from the console so we can see exactly where you're having problems
good luck!
Thank you. MikeF
Run a simple test:
-assign your cameraChange script to a box and disable the mesh renderer
-set the collider on the box to "Trigger"
-assign your two cameras to the CameraChange script
-create a capsule, set its tag to "Player"
-hit play and drag the capsule into the box
Thank you MikeF... Problem is a İnspector menu =Tags
sorry guys and thank you so much.