Que paso?
I was working as you do this fine morning, painting over old normals to build a new, hires normal. Pretty basic stuff, done it hundreds of times. Then, as I went to change my depth on those bolts, the interface won't reappear on mouse over as it normally does.
I switched over to a different group - it's gone there too. Huh.
Closed and opened the project. Still this way.
Made a new project. No. Nooooo!

What have I done?

If you open that layer group, and click on an individual layer underneath, does it still not show the menu on mouseover?
If you use, say, the Marquee tool, and turn that selection into a new normal layer, does the menu appear then?
The Marquee and text tools still work, as well as the paint layers. Just after they are converted to normal, the sliders are invisible like this.
What OS/Photoshop version are you using?
The good news is, a PC restart appears to have solved the trouble. I hope it dosen't repeat, whatever it is I did. Takes a few minutes of out my flow. But as far as I have tested, it is fine once more.