looks pretty sweet although you should have a few shots without the magazines so we can see more of the gun. You look like you have some cool details but I can't see them! A FPS view would be nice too.
Looking good man! I wish there was a way to make the normals on the handle pop more. The cloth and straps look just a little flat. But if a hand will be covering them in first person anyway- it shouldn't matter too much. Maybe once you start texturing, you can give that area some heavier contrast and painted shadows to give it more depth. That's a tiny nit-pick though. Looks really nice.
you could have saved quite a bit of geo on the recessions by just baking them in. Most will not show any change to the silhouette within any in-game view. 16k isn't too high but you want to optimize all you can. That said, bake looks good. And next time be sure to move the magazine so we can see the pistol unobstructed. besides hiding the areas you've spent most of your time working, this makes for poor composition of your wips.
Jacob: Thanks man! I'll go back and play with the AO a bit to see if I can make the contrast pop on the handle.
Polygoblin: Thanks for the feedback. I definitely will go back and get rid of some of the recessions, but I wanted to keep some that were closer to the player's view for light to bounce from. I'm thinking I can definitely get rid of the ring shapes on the front of the magazine. As far as rendering I was planning on removing the magazine in the final textured shots, but will keep that in mind going forward. Thanks again!
Just a thought. Do ya'll think I should remove the recessions on the sides of the magazines? It would save polys, but I don't want to cripple the affect by doing so.
thing about magazines is they are always out of view from the player, being under the gun and all. reload anims typically move very fast and character hands usually cover at least a third of the magazine *when* reloading so geo there tends to be wasted, especially the top areas that are hidden inside the mag well 80% of the time. So yes, focus on removing just about everything that doesn't contribute to the sil on magazines.
I agree about the recessions in areas that will be closest to the player in FPV though. Even when it doesn't contribute to the sil, the point about light bouncing better in those focal areas can be an important factor.
Thanks. Yea I tend to use that methodology as well with the magazines, however these ones are a huge part of the gun. I'll check it out in first person and make a decision from there.
Thanks 3D. Yea I purposefully left out the guard. Wasn't a fan of the design. I'll work on making the locust symbol more visible. Good catch on the grooves being to chiseled. I'll fix!
Nice HP!
can't wait to see your textures!
Polygoblin: Thanks for the feedback. I definitely will go back and get rid of some of the recessions, but I wanted to keep some that were closer to the player's view for light to bounce from. I'm thinking I can definitely get rid of the ring shapes on the front of the magazine. As far as rendering I was planning on removing the magazine in the final textured shots, but will keep that in mind going forward. Thanks again!
I agree about the recessions in areas that will be closest to the player in FPV though. Even when it doesn't contribute to the sil, the point about light bouncing better in those focal areas can be an important factor.
Looks like you are missing the guard over the mags as well, and the locust symbol needs to be a bit more pronounced.
I would bake the mag grooves into the LP as well, but leaving the geo would not be that bad. Good choice for a gun, looks great!