What is going on with this?
Apart from adding a function that nobody wants that smooths either the whole object (why?) or just the chamfer, which is defaulted to 'whole object' everytime you chamfer (you now have to chamfer with the menu or you lose all your smoothing groups), they have modified chamfering so it looks like this:
Surely this is an option that I've ticked somewhere, this isn't a chamfer? Half of it is flat and the rest has edges splaying out, it worked fine in previous versions. :poly122::poly122::poly122::poly122:
For example - these have edges selected:
if you don't buy soon all options you will have will be to subscribe to it. autodesk is removing the possibility of personal licenses
Didn't know others did the same.
same, well we use our higher up licenses to convert data down
I think this has to be clicked everytime, it's a bit of an annoyance really.
The main problem is the weird completely knackered chamfers it is always producing on simple edges.
When the Autodesk people came into work, they said half of the code they don't want to touch as it is years old and it was coded by people who didn't work there anymore/and wasn't //commented.
You can't accurately subdivide a triangle and expect a perfect result. You need to eliminate the offending triangle, or chamfer one "direction" first, and then the other. Not both at the same time. In other words - chamfer the front first, THEN the sides.
In the attached image (this is with 3ds Max 2014 mind you) the same issue is happening. The center asset is with the triangle removed, but still isn't ideal. The asset on the far right is done by chamfering the front first, then the sides.