So I'm just getting my toes wet in ZBrush. I've learned most of the major opening pit falls from getting something on screen that you can actually edit, to knowing how to correctly save a project. I've got something I want to sculpt and a concept for it:
From what I understand about the program I'm going to need to learn how to do the following to make this guy:
- Basic Brush Control - Standard Brush, Clay Build-Up, Planar Transform, Move, any other super important or helpful ones?
- Shadow Box - for complex and hard surface shapes
- Insert Primitive - for larger chunks and quick starting hard surface objects
- Dynamesh - for solid topology that doesn't get gross during build up
- Sub Tools - for easy access to specific objects and control of local detail
Did I miss anything?
Also: clip brushes for hard surface shapes, Transpose tool for extrusions and geometry placement, Poly-grouping and slice tool.
Basic example of using polygroups and slice
I'm assuming the project all is a form of duplication for creating mirrored object copies?