Hey all.
So im a 3D modeler, with quite OK modelling skills, however i cant do textures. That is why i need someone to make high quality PBR textures. I tried to learn using substance designer, but it just has such steep learning curve that i'd rather partner with someone who can do textures well and split 50/50 profits with them.
about the pack:
- it will go on sale on unity asset store and ue4 marketplace and on our website for atleast 30$.
- models are almost finished, i just need to make a couple more, and thats done, main work needs to happen on textures, and then UV mapping.
- With this pack, you can make a house, mainly wooden houses, that would fit in suburbs of some medium & low income, your average factory working citizens basically...
- Each modular wall section also has interior wall, so all houses that you make, will be walkable on the inside, if you wish so (you can also just make doors not openable)
- I made bunch of interior props too, all interior props will have drawers openable (great for open world survival games where you got to search for stuff)
- i know a guy that made modular building system for unity 5, and he can help promote this pack, and we promote his. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/36683
- models are all modular, they use 3.5m width and 3m height or variations of that. they all snap together, and all models are named properly.
basically everything is taken care off and brainstormed and well tested, except textures.
what i can do:
- models
- help with UV mapping and also with second UV mapping for lightmaps
- creating nice looking website
- making example scene in unity 5, UE4
- selling on stores and customer support
what i need from you:
- texturing
- helping with all these other things (general idea ofcourse is, that we both do 50% of work for equal pay)
I've had a partner before, but he just doesnt have time to work on this, and we havent been moving anywhere with textures, so that is why im here, looking for someone new.
one more thing: im also working on website
i will work more on it ofcourse, as pack gets towards finishing state and i have some nice screenshots.
This website is also my thesis for university. In order to finish my thesis, i have to finish my website, and to do that, i have to finish this pack

So yeh, this is quite important for me, so you should have atleast 2 hours per day to devote to this project.
PM me, or add me on skype, my username is bizilux , or email me bizilux at gmail
and we can talk a lot more in depth in private.