Hey, I'm currently trying to teach myself Maya LT 2016 and have been following through 3D Motives maya beginner course.
For the most part everything has been easy to follow even though some of the tools have changed.
However now I'm at a point where I need to bake AO and the way it's shown in the tutorial is not viable in maya LT and looking around I'm struggling to find a good resource on how to bake a good AO Map using Maya LT.
I tried using Turtle with a single ambient light but that seemed to be failing to place the dark areas where I would expect such as underneath the phone and where areas of the model are clipping into each other. Any tips or a quick guide on how to bake an AO in Maya LT 2016 would be very greatly appreciated.
This is the bake I am seeing.
And this is the model in question
For anyone who comes across this thread with the same issue In the turtle texture bake settings go to outputs-ShaderOutputs- select custom and custom shader. Under Surface select the render node irlOccSampler1. Then run the bake with the other outputs disabled.
I have attached a screenshot of the finished result and my settings. Far from perfect but much closer to what I was looking for.