could make an image thats 32x32 px or whatever the resolution of your 1 grid size it, then Edit - Define Pattern. Then create a new document at target resolution, and Edit - Fill - Pattern - Select your pattern. Or what I prefer in the Layer pallette - Create new Fill or Adjustment Layer icon at bottom, select Pattern - then select your pattern you defined - you can also use this to scale the pattern.
edit ---> preferences ---> Guides, Grid & Slices...
I clicked View > Show > Grid, and the grid shows up, but I need to "bake" that grid onto the layer.
200x200px image:
Then this 2k image:
Now all I have to do is do the other grids (2 - 12)
Actually I'm not sure how to do the other sizes that have decimal points:
2000 / 11 = 181.81812 etc