I was going to try make the newer model of the pip boy but couldn't find any good reference from different angles, so instead went for the older version I think since there were a lot of dif images I found.
Im following this design

Here's What I got so far

Yeh, once done will bake it down and texture it
If they were intersecting it wouldnt look like its all part of the same moulded plastic, n light wouldn't bounce off it correctly
I see it now, will add couple more edges there, at first i was going to have that part baked in, but cudnt get it looking good so did quick shape for it but i guess i missed out on a few polys xD
Check out the skew you buddy thread
It doesn't look that tall. You can probably even just bake it flat and nobody would notice.
You would make a Killing selling these on Shapeways or another site
My 2 Cents.
Intersecting geometry like that would have a seam in the normal map when you bake it, especially if it's supposed to have a smooth transition.
awesome to know, good info thanks
With Bethesda selling the Fallout 4 Pip-boy edition, I can see this turning into a lawsuit if they ever found out.
Atm its just in marmoset, I could take it into unreal and animate it perhaps we'll see xD
except for the screws
other than that I think its perfect
A small note: The display for the Radiation could be a little brighter like the ingame version, but if you dont want it, it's also ok
Like so?
I'd like to see more unique damage to it though. Its a clunky thing worn on the arm every single day, so it's inevitably getting bashed upon all kind of things, maybe even spill some sauce or Nuka Cola on it while eating.
And if it's been outside the vault on a Wastelander's arm it would of seen a whole world of hurt and damage to it.
The visuals should tell a story about it if there is any.
Few things come to mind:
- Some stains wouldn't hurt