I want to animate a raw cloud data and export to into Unity.
By 'raw cloud data' I mean a very complex looking cloud with vertex colors I got and I need to animate.
On pictures you can see final form of cloud, now presented with a 200K of polys.
Is there a way to somehow convert this mesh to particles, or show transform from a simple sphere into this complex form with animation that can be played in Unity?
I can use any package that can make this happen
I used Unity's particle system where I set my me cloud's mesh as emmiting shape and particles spawning at meshes vertices. Particles also take the vertex colors of vertex they spawned on.
On the picture attached there is a comparison how my cloud mesh model looks like and how it looks like presented with 50K particles in Unity.
On second picture it's shown how cloud's mesh is set as particle emmiter and with some random movement applied.
Does anybody knows if it's possible to change Unity's Shuriken particle system's emmiting shape in runtime, so particles don't move in x/y/z direction but to move to form a new shape they need to represent?