I have been struggling with this for a few hours now with nobody in my modding community has been able to help me out.
I am unable to properly use dDo as seen in one of the tutorials I am watching. When I import my obj mesh it looks like this inside of dDo.

When I use the mesh that originally came with the project file I see this...

What are the best output settings for an obj file to work? I've converted my entire model to polygons and that did the trick but it can get messy and screws up other things. How does dDo recommend importing/exporting obj files?
Thanks so much,
In this case it might even be the cause. I have had projects exported from Max that when imported and triangulated in Maya had normals flipped.
If the model is not a polygon object to begin with and is converted from something like a nurbs object, you will also have to create UVs.
This is my first post so please be gentle with me.
Im having the same issues as RustyGuts.
Was you able to correct the export / import Issues ?
Turn To Mesh > turn off Use Invisible Edges
@RustyGuts: Did you try triangulating and exporting tangents and bi-normals?
Tossing in an old reply of mine that should assist here for anyone looking in the future.
I am exporting from 3DS Max 2014 with no textures applied with the exception of the base grey material. I am also using Photoshop CC current.
If it doesn't work, could you post a screenshot of your mesh in 3DO?