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A Newbie's learning how to build a video game model thread.

polycounter lvl 4
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tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
I was told by an artist peer that I should post my stuffs here.

So just a bit of a background information about this thread. I want to switch from being a 2D to a 3D artist, I have very little knowledge about 3D and i need you guys to lead me to the right path of making a model that is usable for video game. I will keep posting images here as I go, if you see any problems or you want to give tips or anything, feel free to tell me about it.

So here are 2 images here, first, the concept, i made this myself, not a very good design but i want to model my own characters, i want to work for video game companies like BioWare and Ubisoft, I don't want to model fanarts because if Ubisoft sees me modeling Commander Shepard, they will probably ignore my application. I want to create models that can adhere to multiple companies.


the second image is where i am at now, i just finished modelling the body, im going to use Maya to model the armor next.

P/s: I dont know if im posting at the right section of the forum. haha.



  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    can you provide some more shots so we can see more to check if something is off?
  • TophT
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    TophT polycounter lvl 10
    First off, I think you are way off on your assessment that Ubi doesn't want to see assets from their style of game. Man, that is exactly what they want to see. They don't care if you design your own characters and whatnot. They want to know that if they hire you, you can jump in to what they are working on and not miss a beat. I'm friends with a good chunk of the team from Toronto and I know that when they hire, they specifically look for stuff that could go into their games. This isn't a rule, of course. If you are an incredible artist and can photo-real the hell out of everything, than you would be able to do what you want in your reel. But for the most part, they want to see that your skills match what they are making. If you want to get hired at Ubi, do assassin's creed stuff, do anything Tom Clancy related. do the kind of content that they need.
    Secondly, I think it is a mistake to design your own characters and model them. In your case, you free admit that your design isn't the best, well, how are you going to make a great looking character if you starting point is "not a very good design"?
    You character will only be as good as the design and you are starting off weak. Remember what position you are trying to get. Is it that of a concept artist or that of a character artist? You need to focus on the the area in which you are trying to excel. When you get into the industry, no one is going to give you carte blanche to make what ever you want. You will be given concept art and will be expected to follow it implicitly. Try doing that now. There are plenty of examples of concept art on the net that will fit what you need to do. Just remember to give the concept artist credit for their work, even in your reel/
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