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FBX export issues (Maya)

Hi guys,

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction, I'm still fairly new to 3D and very new with 3D for games. I have modelled, rigged and animated a character and am trying to export it as an FBX for import into Unity. When opening the FBX file after export it looks as though none of the animation has exported to the joints or mesh, though it works on the control curves.
I have gone through the advanced options for FBX export selection and have turned on:
Bake Animation (and set frames)
Input connections
Skeleton Definitions
Deformed Models
(no blend shapes)

When selecting the skeleton and 'export selections' gives this:

and when selecting the entire rig group and using 'export selection' it looks as though the curves are animating but nothing else (hopefully this pic shows what I mean)

I'm using Maya 2014 (student) and using FBX version as 2014 as well. Apologies if this is a silly issue. I have been unable to Google any kind of solution. Any help would be great :)
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