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Is this plagiarism?

polycounter lvl 4
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kinggambitben polycounter lvl 4
Hi, newbie with an honest question. I'll gladly scrap this image for an asset i'm working on if it's considered plagiarism or just frowned upon.


I really liked the pose and composition so I used a similar one for my drawing:

nearly all the webpages I'm reading through cover the differences of plagiarism and referencing images in literature/writing/journalism; if anyone knows any resources covering the differences of plagiarizing and referencing a source image in regards to art, I'd definitely appreciate it!


  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yes, I would consider yours to be plagiarism...it's way too close to the original piece. I suppose if you can get approval from the original artist and you give them credit for inspiring yours, it is ok. Otherwise, I would say that it is not different enough to say that is your own original creation.
  • kinggambitben
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    kinggambitben polycounter lvl 4
    I'd rather just scrap it and make something new. Thanks. Probably not a good way to start off one's learning process and im not doing myself any favors.

    Anyway, I'll try to depend less on the reference this time.
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    From a legal perspective, it's really hard to say. The rules on derivative works are vague enough that even a lawyer specialized in the field is going to often have a hard time saying what is and isn't ok. That being said, if the original artist asked you to take it down, you'd have to do so unless you're willing to spend a ton of time and money on a legal battle.

    Also, and perhaps more importantly, no one will think better of you as an artist after seeing the two works side by side.
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