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Ravine Environment WIP

polycounter lvl 10
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Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone.
Worked on a small concept of a ravine for about the past week.
Original concept by crs1009 on deviantart:

Increased path width


I tried sticking to the concept as much as possible but also wanted to explore a bit of lighting and mood.

There's one element I need help adding and those are the cobwebs. In the concept there are some cobwebs on the ground level to the sides. I've tried searching around for good ingame examples of similar things but Haven't had much luck.
Apart from that I feel like I missed the representation of the cliffwalls. In the concept they seem more carved with a layered appearance. Mine are more angular like that of hard chipped rocks.
There are no leaves on the dead bush stalks in the concept, but I really wanted to add some.
Lastly the archway's proportions are different. Mine the stones are larger and the spade shape in the middle more rounded while the space below is more angular.

Tips, critique, everything please tell me why its bad or how it can be better.


  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Looks very, very rad. But when comparing to the concept, I feel like a bit of the scale has been lost. Maybe it's the absence of the figure, maybe it's how saturated the bloom is? I'd give it a real dramatic sky and have the bloom seem through cloud/ in the parts where the clouds break up.
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    I think the reason it looks like the scale has been lost is just because his path is more narrow and looks slightly uphill compared to the concept. Excellent work for sure, I think having it changed just a bit from the concept is actually a solid look for it. If you wanted to make it more like the concept though just widen the path and maybe make the archway a bit taller. I think it looks great how it is though. Excellent job!
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Really loving the work so far dude!

    dpaynter is right, the narrowness of the composition plays a big part in the issue with scale but I believe the issue is also that his props conflict with the connection to larger than human scale... the only things you could compare is the smallest rocks he currently has which all look about the size of maybe waist height? the thing that makes the rocks look that size is your plants & floor texture density, so it's a bit of a chain reaction.

    What you should so is adjust the size of the rock texture on the floor to a scale which is considered the right density for the scale that you want, afterwards adjust everything else accordingly from smallest to largest to get that scale issue on point (Y)

    - widen the path
    - scale plants & rock floor
    - widen arch model

    the arch has been baked and textured already... so scaling it a little bit wider shouldn't have too much of a problem but definitely widen the path first before fixing everything else :)

    Keep going!
  • .nL
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    .nL polycounter lvl 3
    Everything looks good, but I agree, the scale seems off.

    I think the rock walls have too much going on for them horizontally. Replace them with vertical planes, and you may see that the scale corrects itself (I could be wrong).

    I'd also emphasize the verticality of the archways. But proportionally, the scene seems correct to me, aside from that.
  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for your suggestions.
    I did a basic blockout for starting out but it was very hard to match the reference since it is vertical with an abnormal perspective.
    I can see how my version is a bit warped like that now. Shouldn't be too hard to re position things a bit. Of course that brings up the problem of ground repetition though. Will have to find ways of breaking it up with a wider path.

    Still gotta find a good way to produce cobwebs too. I think the biggest problem for me is the texture. Whats a good way to create cobwebs without having to paint each strand?
  • hold
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    hold polycounter lvl 17
    Very nice! I find the perspective was a little bit nicer in the concept - being able to see one overpass after the other was quite impressive and this gets a bit lost in 3D due to overbright light and non-straight passage.
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