Well I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling quixel and that didn't work. NDO opens fine but one day ddo just decided not to work. If anyone knows what I could do then that would be really appreciated. The photoshop version I am using is CS5.
Yeah nothing happens. It doesn't crash. But I will go ahead and run a registry cleaner and malware scan. Hopefully that will help. I will let you know what happens. Thanks Eric for replying to this.
I am also having a similar problem. I have had many crashes and compatibility issues with CC 2015, but with some persistence (and frequent restarts of Photoshop) have been able to use Quixel Suite - but now it won't even start: no crash, no error, no process in Task Manager. I've already tried reinstalling twice.
Same here but with nDo. I reinstalled the Suite and but I still can't open it. The Suite worked fine up until I did a clean install of Windows 8, the same OS I used prior.
What happens when you click the DDO icon nothing? or does it crash? Have you run any registry cleaner or malware scans lately?