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portrait practice


I've been having a little play with Marmoset lately and could do with some feedback on the model.
I'll get the ball rolling with a few points myself.

- The skin spec is a little out at the moment I feel.
- The t-shirt needs some further detailing
- His lip colour seems off, will try some variations in that area

(I don't think I'll be doing hair as I'm running out of steam on this one and will be moving onto something else).


C&C welcome.



  • Crazy_pixel
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    His face looks very natural, good job :)
    Jap give his shirt more details and it will fit perfectly together.

    Can't wait to see your update 8)
  • Gazington
    Offline / Send Message

    So I've done some tweaking.
    -dropped the gloss on the top of the head.
    -altered the lip colour so it isn't so dark/liver coloured
    -altered some of the colours around the eyes

    Think I might call this done for the time being and move onto something else for a bit.

    Things I would do differently
    -better UV the head as it's getting a little lower res around the top and bottom
    -get it into Marmoset earlier as that helps visualise how the sculpting translates across better
    -I think I'm going to move away from projected textures earlier to more hand painted for the control (the projected textures were just getting in the way at one point)

    Crazy_pixel- thanks for the feedback :) I agree and I did do a different t-shirt but it just didn't fit so have gone with this more basic t. Something I will have to pay more attention to in the future I feel.

    C&C welcome


  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    his skin color goes a little too much towards "Dead" to me. Maybe add just a bit warmer tones would make it feel more real , especially the mouth area feels too desaturated to be real
    aside very realistic
  • 3dshay
    Offline / Send Message
    Just wanted to say amazed of the head and details itself, I am looking for a paid tutorial for head shape basics, if interested pm me :)
  • Gazington
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    This is a WIP of the next model I've moved onto (was in the mood to do something a bit sci-fi-ish). This guy is in the vein of the bad guys from Killzone with a more drawn out/drained look and a bit of face metal to add a slightly inhuman look. I think I'll light this one much brighter and sterile looking as well to fit the theme.

    still to do:-
    -tweak the eye colour (this is currently place holder)
    -more skin details in the diffuse
    -hair (I'm thinking a kinda shaved sides with slicked back on the top like you see on a lot of WW2 Nazi photos).
    -darker around the eyes maybe.
    -either quite thick eyebrows or suggest that they have been shaved (not sure yet).
    -texture the face metal.
    -the metal clasps on the face are to carry a pair of goggles that I have yet to make.
    -I'm not sure about the temple areas, I feel they lack definition.
    -eyelashes (I've done these but not implemented the yet).
    -lots of good old polish

    C&C welcome.


  • Gazington
    Offline / Send Message

    Just a quick up date as I haven't had the time to work on this piece as much as I would have liked lately.

    I've worked up the textures some, placed some place holder eyelashes and tweaked the eyes a little.
    Next I think I will work a little more on the ears as they seem a bit basic at the moment. I also want to get the metal face brackets and plug sockets done as the temp meshes there at the moment are starting to be a bit distracting for me.

    C&C welcome.


  • X³²Lapis
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    X³²Lapis polycounter lvl 10
    these are looking awesome!
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