Hey all,
I want to bake some maps from the high to low and fix my cage on the fly if I see errors in the preview.
Is there a way to tell the bake preview to act like 'bake from object to render output' and assign cage or ray distance for the preview?
Also, is it possible to bake curvature and cavity maps in MODO?
I just love the renderer - so fast :]
There's a way to fake it by baking multiple AO maps and combining them but it's too much hassle for me. Use xNormal or something.
For convexity/concavity you'll want to add an occlusion processing texture layer, then set it convexity or concavity. You can bake it out as a render output you're not using (I usually use Specular Coefficient, with concavity and convexity in the red and green channels respectively).
Actually going to create a script for this so you don't have to keep setting it up every time you want a curvature map.
I will be trying Farfarer's way also to see which gives the best results. Just a bummer we cant use a normal map for this.
Turn up the Max Cavity Angle to 90 degrees on the Concavity output and up the occlusion rays to 32 on both the Concavity & Convexity output