Hard question to word, basically in 3ds max I used to be able to use the Scale Tool to scale down some edges, but I could have the scale tool move to the last edge I selected, so when I scaled them the edges would stay in the same place but be scaled.

How do I do that in Maya, when I try to reszie the edges they just move in or out due to the pivot's position.
Go to Edit Mesh, select Transofrm and scale down or up (using one of the the cubes) in the correct axis.
1. enable modeling toolkit
2. select the edges
3. hold R+Left mouse button - a popup menu will appear under your mouse cursor - change scale to Local
4. scale using the x,y,z box
also, 2016 looks cool :P not using maya anymore though
They changed some of the names, Local is now Parent, and holding down R doesn't show the new Parent mode, in LT at least