Hello, my name is Simon Bedard, am here to present you Rift In the Prophecy (RIP) a tactical MMORPG build on JME. We have a pretty good team so far, but a serious lack of 3D and 2D artist.
Here is the link too your forum post, where you can find all the information about us.
http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/t/project-rift-in-the-prophecy-tactical-mmorpg/32134And here are a few exemples of what we have done so far :

You should find most of the info there, but if you have any question you can ask them there or here. To join me direcly just send a mail to
Hope you enjoy! For the logs or more info, go check your post on the JME forum :
All we need now is a rigger and maybe one more person to work on the 3D assets.
So I guess I should correct myself: we are looking for people able to imagine and build stuff from point A to Z whit in some guide line, or at this point only A, that been the concept x)
We have made a little thing showing you’re the map editor, using a new tune that your sound artist have compose.
Hope you like it
Anyway, sprint end next week, stay tune
[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]Just dropping by to say we need an environment concept artists to help your 2 currents environments modeler to work on the first in game city. It will be a medium size arid type city build around a colonial spaceship stuck between 2 mountains. The town is a crystal mining, cactus farming and trading city that is used as a pass way between 2 major parts of the planet. If you’re not familiar with the project, the game is a little bit futuristic and cartoony, build around the story of a planet colonization that turn sour when it lost every links whit earth.[/FONT]
[FONT="]For more info, please refers to your main thread at the JMonkey forum or ask any question here directly. If you want to join us, just contact me at JavaKhanStudio@GMail.com leaving me your name, the role your interest in, your Skype name and if applicable your resume.
[FONT="]We should soon be able to post some new info on the game and image of interface enhancement, so stay tune
Is just a platform oriented for collaborative work. www.indiecg.com
But hey, the position is still open here
You can also simply go check the forum post :
So ya, see you soon, and more soon :awesome:
edit : Yep, back up now x) Look like the last message had some sort of bug