Hey all!
Starting a new project that I'm hoping to take to completion (posed game asset in Marmoset.) Checking out my reference board (
https://www.pinterest.com/gavingoulden/king-of-the-north/ ) you'll get a pretty good idea where I'm going - elaborating on a high fantasy barbarian / viking type character.
Will elaborate more as I go along, but for now:
Head sculpt -
Testing out scaled armor using IMM, will be adding a ton more to make this section have purpose - will being sculpting in the rough for the rest of the costume soon:
The quality of the Beard remind me the Brute of Adam fisher
( https://www.artstation.com/artwork/brute-15bcc6cd-1ddf-428f-bdbb-2e2e335b1b37 )
Did u use the same technique for the beard?
Softz: Nah, Adam uses an insert mesh type technique, I believe. Mine's all fibermesh. Not going to lie though, he made me want to up my beard game.
ncav: Just a bunch of fibermesh chunks, chances are that I'll remake it in bigger planes for realtime.
Just been doing some costume exploration with concept sculpting and reference gathering. Hopefully, you can see the direction that I'm going in. Basically looking at a high fantasy viking / nordic type character that would fit within a game like Lords of the Fallen / Dark Souls. Wanting to repeat some patterns across the arms and legs, sticking with a pretty typical "northern" color scheme - like grey/blue/brown, and reminding myself that nothing on him would be polished or "nice." Not an evil guy, but someone who has become King through years of battle and aggression.
More work done on my King of the North character. Got a bunch done on the body, but still have lots more to do - more accessories, shoulder armor, pelts, and refining what is already there...
Nothing to add
lotet: Trying to go for a "Lords of the Fallen" look in the end, which has slightly exaggerated armor (massive shoulders, chunky legs..."Gears of Dark Souls") - so - I'm hoping it'll all tie together in the end, if not, I'll scale them back to be less fantastical.
Got most of his arm stuff done, still a bit more to do on the gauntlet (belts and other things) then on to the scarf, belt, and other upper body gear.
Do you create base meshes for your armor pieces or dynamesh then zremesh as needed?
Keep up the good work dude!
Usually, I create base meshes for the larger pieces then will do extracts and/or dynamesh for the smaller parts. Then, for the repeated parts (sclaes, armor chunks...) thats IMM and the hair is a really chunky fiibermesh
Based on his breakdown, i'd say.....yes. Lookin' good btw. Might of overworked that forehead a bit though, I'm not seeing the shapes of his brow, nor the ridge of his nose in relationship to how it connects to his forehead.
How did you approach the padded leather armor on him? Did you sculpt the pattern and the folds individually?
slosh: You bet
pixelpatron: Yeah, it might be a bit extreme. I'm going to bake it down and see how much detail the normal blurring in the skin shader kills...then might scale back.
TomGT: Just straight up sculpting man. Basically did the rough shape, then modeled in ribs with clay, made seams with dam standard, added stitch IMM, then refined the pads with dam/clay/trim dynamic
Ged: Thanks man
Still need to fix the scarf, need to add belt stuff, was thinking of adding a cape, going to detail up the legs and tie in those elements with the other armor.
Still feel like the legs are missing something, but that may come together once i get deeper into it - might just be my eyes playing tricks on me with heavy detailed upper body and blocked in lower.
Wanting to do weapons as well - Shield and "Frost Hammer"
I may still beef up the back of his legs and give some meat to his boots to help balance him more..
this area seems kind of boring compared to the rest of the model
Do you have any book / reading that explain this kind of stuff? I mean are of rest etc..
i'm sure there's better things slosh can point to, but you can check this out: http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_education/primary_secondary_and_tertiary_shapes/primary_secondary_and_tertiary_shapes.htm
Matcap is actually a blend comped in PS, so, I'm faking it a bit. But, it's basically max blinn with hazardous skin soft light
errol: It's a few layers of detail going on. Did jus tthe basic sculpt of the cape using clay, dam standard, and standard...did a few layers of noise maker - one with a weave to mimic knitting, then one generic "noise"...used clay and a pattern like: |||| to sculpt in frayed edges that didn't need extra geo support...then used some wear and tear brushes (I'll try to find th elink online, but it's from a Zombie sculpt) to really beat up edges and add the shallow tears / holes throughout.
Thanks for the rundown. I found that wear and tear brush set on the BadKing site(assuming it's the same one): http://www.badking.com.au/site/shop/clothing-attire/wear-tear-brushby-kaushik-saha/
Can't wait to see the low of this guy!