I'm fairly new to zbrush, so I am getting used to the hardening of edges when bringing in a low-poly asset to sculpt.
I have this bolt that I want to bring into zbrush to sculpt the thread of the bolt. My intention is to bring it back to maya afterwards and apply the normal from the high res zbrush to the low res maya model.
Anyone have a few minutes to explain the process to me? I am currently using a low-poly piece that is just a six sided cylinder for my bolt. Do I need to have higher polys for that or will it work? If it'll work, do I just harden all the edges?
I'm confused.
Thanks guys!
1. add support loops, when you subdivide it in zbrush it'll maintain the hardness you're looking for, just like sub-d modelling.
2. you can crease edges in maya, use GoZ and zbrush will automatically read the creased edges and crease them for you. I tend to use this the most because you get an even surface to sculpt with instead of some areas with denser polys than others. Subdivide with crease on a few times, then turn it off and subdivide some more so you get a nice edge that will bake well into a normal map.