Hi,I hope this is the right place to post this, sorry if it is not.
I'm Simon Fenton, Head of Games at Escape Studios. You may have already heard of us, but if you haven't we're a London-based VFX Academy, who develop industry-focused VFX and Games courses and are exploring the possibility of running a free 'Houdini for Professional Games Artist' course.
Having attended GDC this year, Houdini was creating a lot of interest, particularly at the VFX round table. As such, we thought of gathering Games professionals together for an intensive week long Houdini course at Escape Studios, here in central London.
We will canvas developers prior to attending to ascertain what they would like to learn in that week,*with the intention of creating an introduction to Houdini that is relevant and useful to real development. There's limited availability, with a maximum of 12 spaces (which will be limited to two per company) and it is only for professional developers working in industry.
Having already built established relationships in the VFX industry and with our innovative new Games courses fast approaching, we think it's time we give something back and build solid relationships with games developers. If there's enough interest, we even hope to start a Houdini user group for professionals from both Games and VFX.
If this is something that is interesting then please feel free to get in contact with me directly-
Thanks for your time!