Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

A gypsy tale

A gypsy tale is an quirky hand painted imagining of a day by a lake in gypsy life this scene includes a collection of organic and hard surface modelling and im looking for honest critiques to help me make my work as visually stimulating as possible.

In this work i'll be putting my environmental modelling skills and texturing skills to the test as i will be taking some models into mud-box i will also like to add some models are higher tri/poly counts as they will be lowered after the mud-box process.


  • cj-9er
    The first stage of my gypsy tale is the gypsy caravan itself i decided to give this caravan by exaggerating shapes this will make it more of unique visual piece.

    The polys can be lowered on the wheels roof they are of a higher poly count for correct topology for being placed into mudbox this is also why the wheels have quads instead of tris. The images below show a top, side, back,above and below shot of my caravan in development i would also like to add the sheet on top of the caravan is a blanket i though i could do a design such as a tribe symbol to make the caravan stand out more and give it story, as my tutor has always said every model should tell a story for it to be modeled correctly.





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