Looking for some landscape Critiques! On the first two I used World Machine alone.
On this one here I created vector displacement maps with WM and Mud Box, then brought it into WM for some erosion. I am very pleased with the results, but would love to figure out better ways to create terrain. Thanks in advance.
And another.
I think it's very good what you've done. World Machine rarely disappoint. If you look for better ways to create terrain, some artists only use the landscape tools in their engine, like UE4 for example. It's easier this way to follow more precisely a concept or a photograph.
But when you are free, World Machine, as a basis, is great. You can always import the height map in a scultping program afterwards.
When I model terrain I first bring it into mudbox to get the overall shape of specific peaks. Afterward I bring it into world machine for some interesting filters. After that I bring it back into MB and create a vector displacement map out of it to use for stamps in MB; I find this allows artistic control with WM results. Later, I import the displacement of the almost-finished landscape and give it some good ol fashion world machine erosion.