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Mad Max Warboy Wip

polycounter lvl 4
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nGreenroad polycounter lvl 4
Started texturing the face. Looking to improve the face materials. C&C Welcome.


  • THendersonVFX
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    THendersonVFX polycounter lvl 6
    I haven't seen the movie, and it could just be your angle, but the head looks way too... tall? Or the forehead is too large or something. Also along the brow ridge above the nose it looks very flat and angled. You might need to smooth that out some.

    The skin on the body looks really noisy too. The texture for the skin details seems too large, almost like really bad fur from old games. Try and shrink the size of those skin details, and keep in mind about wrinkles where his skin creases together (like at the armpit).

    The cloth around his neck looks to tight to his skin for how loose and baggy it looks overall. Try and pull it away from his neck a bit.

    Solid topology for the model itself so far though.
  • nGreenroad
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    nGreenroad polycounter lvl 4
    Here's a materials update. I did a second pass on the skin to tighten it up a bit, I may need to add more grime. The neck cloth still needs to be moved to fit more loosely. Also tweaking the face. I need some feedback on the pants and leather.
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