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Portfolio critique please.

polycounter lvl 4
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Alex1 polycounter lvl 4
Hello fellow artists,

I've recently finished designing and developing my portfolio website which showcases some of my 3d work.

Please could I ask for some critical feedback on the design of my website and perhaps the 3d work that's on there? Please be as harsh as you need to be.



The aim with the design was to produce something quite minimalistic, yet professional looking; essentially something that I could show to potential employers. I realise that the text on the 'About' page lacks in quality/enthusiasm and perhaps length, but it's something that I'm working on updating in the near future. I also realise that the 3d work itself is of low standard, and if I'm being realistic, I can't expect to impress anyone with it --- I guess for now, the work on there serves simply as a placeholder whilst I produce better quality content.

Thank you for your time :)
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