Home Contests & Challenges Archives Reallusion Game Character Animation Contest

RGCA ''Bigboss Pipeline for Making iClone Standard Characters Cloth''

Welcome in my Reallusion Game Character Animation Contest Thread ! ...

In This Thread, I will provide some ideas on how to establish an efficient Pipeline for Making iClone Characters.

The Tools I will use are:

From Reallusion
iClone 5.51
3DXchange 5.52

From Autodesk
3D Studio Max 2011 (But the guiding principles will apply to any 3D Modeling Tool)

From CLO Virtual Fashion Inc.
Marvelous Designer 2.0 (Commercial License)

I hope this Thread will be of interest to you ! :poly121:


  • Bigboss40
    The very First thing to know is that in order to facilitate the production of several Characters, I establish an efficient Pipeline using 'Mannekins' that will be in the same position in all Tool that are part of the Pipeline. I could use the traditional T-Pose but I prefer to use a more Relaxed Y-Pose which will make it easier to drop clothing on inside Marvelous designer.

    In order to Create Mannekins that will be recognized as iClone Characters, the best way to work is to export an iClone Character. For the Purpose of this article, I will use Chuck which is a standard G5 Character in iClone.

    Note: An alternate way would be to use the Reallusion 'G5 Template' which is provided to Reallusion Certified Content Developers.

    iClone Standard Character in Y-Pose:

  • Bigboss40
    I then bring this Character into 3DXchange in order to export it as a Template in FBX format. To do this, you need to have the Character Selected in the iClone Viewport and Press the 'Edit in 3DXchange' Modify Panel Button.

    Note: When you first load the Character into 3DXchange, it will be in the default T-Pose and not have any animations applied to it. However, you can import the T-Pose and Y-Pose animations using the 'Import' button in 3DXchange Animation Panel and subsequently apply it as a Performance to the Character.

    iClone Standard Character in 3DXchange with Y-Pose appplied:

  • ThePoetTrees
    ... bowing in respect as the Champion enters the room...

    May I please take this brief moment to *thank* you, kind Sir, for all of your amazing, helpful, inspirational and generous gifts of tutorials, freebies and advice through the forums, your youtube channel, reallusion store etc.

    If a candle can brighten a room by lighting other candles, then I dare say that you've lit enough to brighten the whole world of iClone. And as I make my own timid steps into this weird and wonderful world of animation, it seems that I can't turn in any direction, without crossing a trail where you've already blazed a clearer way.

    So humblest and sincerest THANK YOU!
  • Onizuka_Eikichi
    What's Bigboss youtube channel?
    I've been learning all aI can about Iclone from Iclone Certified Trainers and bookmarked they're youtube channels.
  • ThePoetTrees
    Please permit me... At the risk of sounding like a gushing fan, I've bookmarked many links for regular reference, which is nothing less than any sensible newcomer to iClone should do... : e.g. Click HERE for BigBoss on Youtube (for a library of quick and inspiring product demos). NOTE: unlike many other pro content providers, Bigboss tutorials are in the form of detailed and insightful step-by-step guides on how to use all of the most innovative assets from various artists, which also provide useful examples of how to use the advanced settings in iclone: e.g. HERE is a link that offers an advanced character that works well with clothing and explains when and how to "bake" a softcloth animation (with links to his other pages). And HERE is one of several FREEBIEs which also help teach about other physics and constraint settings... so between Bigboss, Mark at SmallWStudios and the legendary Warlord, there's nearly nothing we can't learn or do, even as raw beginners. This is also why I'm greatly looking forward to this "thread" from one of the great "kings of cloth"... pardon the pun... :)
  • animagical
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    animagical polycounter lvl 9
    Great to see you here, BigBoss! We have a precious little corner here where real work gets done without bickering or malice!
  • Bigboss40
    Wow! Thanks Bleetz, Onizuka and animagical ...

    I hope you find this thread interesting, ... :poly121:
  • Bigboss40
    The next step is really to export the iClone Base Character using the FBX Export function.

    Note: This option requires you have the 'Pipeline' version of 3DXchange which allows you to export Characters and Props in FBX Format including the embedded animations. Because Chuck is a default character in iClone, you do not require to purchase any export license for Chuck.

    The simplest way to bring your character into 3dStudio Max is to set the Target Tool Preset to 3ds Max. Make sure you check the include animation box.

    3dXchange FBX Export Settings for 3ds Max:

  • Bigboss40
    Once you have exported your Character into an FBX File. You can import it in 3dStudio Max.
    During the import, it is important to select the 'Y-Pose' animation so that your Character retains the proper pose for making Cloth.

    iClone Character inported in 3dStudio Max for edits:

  • Bigboss40
    The next step is to remove the clothing to retain only the Base Character and save a copy of your project for later use.

    Note: The default Chuck Character that comes with iClone actually has missing polygons under the shirt. A full body character is available to Reallusion Certified Content developer. If this is not your case, you can procure a Chuck Full Body Nude character with export license from the Reallusion City Marketplace. Alternatively, you can apply the same pipeline to any other iClone Standard Character.

    Chuck Cloth Base Character Mannekin in 3DStudio Max:

  • Bigboss40
    Now that you have your Base character project for 3dStudio Max, you need to create a base project for Marvelous Designer from the same Mannekin. To do this, simply export the body mesh in Object Form (or FBX if you have Marvelous designer 4.0) and import it into Marvelous Designer.

    Note: Make sure to set 'Load as Avatar' and cm Unit in file import.

    Import Options for a new Mannekin into Marvelous Designer:

  • Bigboss40
    Once imported, save your Marvelous Designer Base Project for later use.

    Marvelous Designer Base Project for making Cloths:

  • Bigboss40
    The next step is to create the clothing using Marvelous Designer Tools. If you are a talented fashion designer, this can be fun or alternatively, you can find a really good friend who understands fashion and who can create amazing clothes in Marvelous Designer for you ! :poly121:

    The beauty of using Marvelous designer is that the tool will automatically lay out perfect UV maps for your Cloth.

    Sample Marvelous Designer Samurai Project:

  • Bigboss40
    Once you have completed creating the Clothing in marvelous designer, you can export it in 'OBJ' form for later import into 3dStudio Max.

    Note: Make sure to uncheck the 'OBJ_Avatar_Shape', set 'Single Object', 'Unified UV Coordinates' and set the Units to cm upon export.

    Marvelous Designer Export Parameter settings:

  • Bigboss40
    You can now import your new Cloth directly onto your iClone Base Character inside 3dStudio Max. Because you used a Mannekin, the clothing will fall right into place for easy Skinning ! :poly121:

    New Cloth imported onto our Base Character in 3dStudio Max:

  • Bigboss40
    The next step is to apply a 'Skinwrap' Modifyer on the stack to do a first pass Skinning of your base Cloth Mesh and fine-tune the skinning manually until you are satisfied with the result.

    Note: I use a benchmark test motion for skinning all my Cloth. This allow for testing a wide range of extreme movements.

    Testing the Skinning of the Cloth inside 3dStudio Max:

  • Bigboss40
    Once you complete the skinning process, you can export the character as an FBX file and Import it back into iClone. Because the base character originated from iClone, 3DXchange will automatically recognize it as a non-standard character and apply the proper 3dXchange skeleton and facial profile to it.

    Samurai Cloth imported back into 3dXChange:

  • Bigboss40
    From here, you can either texture the character yourself or alternatively find a talented person to texture the character for you. :poly121: !

    Note: The procedure described herein was meant to provide an overview of one of the many method for creating Characters for iClone.

    I hope this thread was useful to you.


    Here are examples of Characters you can create using this pipeline:

    The finished Characer:


    The entire Series:


    Thanks to all. :poly121:
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