Hello Polycount!:) I am doing another environment to bulk up my portfolio! I feel I needed another one to round it out some more and get some more experience. I figured It would be nice to get some feedback here and keep you guys updated. I have gotten to the point with some of my materials and far enough with my lighting as well as level layout that I know what direction I want to go with it. The whole scene itself is still W.I.P. and I plan on posting updates as frequently as I can to get feedback.
Some of the meshes are still stand ins and not final and texture/material work is still needed for most of them.
Modeling is done with Maya and texture work with Photoshop and Substance Designer. The scene is itself is in Unreal 4.
What is on my TO-DO list currently:
-Finish garbage can and texture it.
-Finish street exit sign and texture it.
-Texture ceiling pipes
-Add debris/Papers and dirt cards to scene
-Make stairs with handrails and texture both
-Make Security door and texture it
-Make ground light fixture
-Make ceiling light fixture
-Continue to tweak lighting
-Create background to station (tracks, tunnels etc.)
**NEWEST UPDATE** More shots down below.
Anyways enough talk here is what I have so far:
MisterSande - Thank you. I have some pretty cool ideas for some graffiti and such in some areas. Definitely want to make this look used up. I also have some damage blending on the walls but they are kinda hard to see, gonna have to go back and make them a little more defined.