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SOLVED: DDO PBR to unity

Hi guys,

I'm going crazy trying to figure this out and searching the internet with no luck. I just want the model to look the same in unity as it does in quixel. Here is the model rendered with quixel


and here with unity.


I know the skybox etc will play a role.. but i just want the same specular and reflection.

I think it has something to do with the specular and gloss map. I have tried putting both in the specular RGB slot in unity, then trying gloss as RGB and specular as the Alpha map, and vice versa. I have also tried inverting the maps on the alpha of the RGB. Is there something I am doing wrong? I have set the calibration to unity 5 and unity 5 metallic.



  • Beco
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    Beco vertex
    What shader are you using in Unity? Unity’s standard shader is metalness based, so you need to use matalness map instead of specular.
  • luch174
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    Well I've tried both spec and metalness maps.
  • Mehran Khan
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    Mehran Khan polycounter lvl 10
    1- are you sure you have your quixel (DDO) 's calibration set to unity,
    2- something funky going on in your reflection/spec probes. are you using anchors to specify probes?
  • Beco
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    Beco vertex
    You could try switching shading modes in Unity and see if all of your maps look like they should. It’s the top left dropdown in your scene viewport. Also, is your normal map set to “normal map” and not default “texture” in the import settings?
  • luch174
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    Hey guys, so I have checked calibration settings which were all set to unity 5, like I said originally I have tried with both unity 5 metalness calibration and just unity 5 calibration. The anchor nodes arn't don't seem to be the issue. Any other ideas? I can post up the maps if that's any help?
  • edredar
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    Yeah, post your specular (or metalness) map here. But before posting, check alpha channel of the map - there should be your glosiness map.
  • luch174
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    Here are the maps, I've scaled them down to 1024.



    When I export the images would the colour bit or density play a part in the texture? If so would is there a target to aim for and a way to import it right into unity? Thanks.
  • Beco
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    Beco vertex
    I think there’s something wrong with your gloss map. Looks like it might be inverted or something, I mean right now your gloss map is making your wooden handle 100% glossy (white) and blade has very little gloss. Try inverting gloss map.

    Btw in what format are you exporting textures?
  • Billy Lundevall
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    Billy Lundevall polycounter lvl 7
    The fact that the wood and leather is 100% white on the gloss map is quite odd as that would make them way to shiny. The metal is also very dark on the gloss map, which could work. No matter what this is simply a matter of Unity not displaying the model with the same kind of look, I would guess that it is because of the shader you use.

    I know very little about Unity and it's shaders. The only thing I know is that Shader Forge made it pretty easy for me to set up materials the way I wanted when I was using it for the viking village scene featured in the latest Quixel GDC trailer.
  • luch174
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    I think I will take a look, and try a few things. The gloss map I have added was after I had been tweaking and testing it I think.

    I have had a little more luck using a scene set up by digital tutors, but I might just redo the texture for the axe, as I understand quixel a lot better now.

    Here is the model I made today and a comparison from quixel to unity (its been put in the digital tutors scene). I'm only really struggling with metals, but otherwise I'm pretty happy, still not quite right, but it's a hell of a lot better.


    Digital Tutors Scene

    My scene

    I'm going to do a ton of reading and experimenting with lighting in unity, and will take a look at shader forge. I have briefly looked at the Viking scene but I'll take a more in depth look.

    Thanks for all the help guys.
  • luch174
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    To add turning off mip mapping looked much crisper, obviously that's not a solution but was interesting to see how much of a difference it made.
  • Devil_Inside
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    One thing that makes Quixel 3DO scene look better is a Sharpen post processing effect. It makes things look crisper. Try turning it off in 3DO for a closer comparison.
  • Eric Ramberg
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    I can also add that in next version of the SUITE, 3DO will get a major overhaul to make problems like this go away!
  • luch174
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    Just curious to when the next version will be released?
  • Eric Ramberg
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    luch174 - Hopefully really soon! But we´re not giving out any dates anymore as it only seems to serve as a source for irritation, we´re to small of a company to nail down dates. But work is progressing really nice right now, 3d painting and optimization right now!
  • Devil_Inside
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    Sounds nice!
    Can you guys release a teaser of how the 3d painting stuff gonna work? Like a gif of it in action or something :)
  • Eric Ramberg
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    Im meeting with Teddy tonight, I´ll ask him!
  • superme2012
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    I know this is an old thread but has anyone actually got any good results out of Unity 5 in comparison to 3DO. I did some test tonight and noticed the “Image Based reflections” is the major contribution to the very nice result (turn it off and in result getting something like unity).

  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Unity 5 and 3DO are the same engine - it should be 1-1. :smile:
  • Jinppa
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    Jinppa null
    Unity 5 and 3DO are the same engine - it should be 1-1. :smile:
    Then the problem is in the maps Quixel exports...
    For some reason, even when your project export target is set to Unity 5 (Metalness Workflow), Quixel will make Specular and Gloss maps, when Unity 5 Standard Metallic shader uses combined Metallic Smoothness map... It's quite obvious that can't work as intended?

    For example, I'm having a problem where a metal bolt appears just right in Quixel (shiny metallic gray with some rust in it), but in Unity it's just glossy black. If I manually add Albedo Metalness map in Quixel and combine manually the specular and gloss maps in to one map (specular in R channel, gloss makes the alpha) the bolt turns into gray like it should, but doesn't have same kind of gloss as in 3DO vieport (post-process effects off).

    Or am I missing something?
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Anyone ever solve this? I'm having similar issue.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Figured out a fix, I had to take the output quixel "gloss" map, and put it into the alpha of the "metalness" map. After that everything looked correct for me in Unity.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Noted. I'll pass that on to our SUITE programmer for a future update. Thank you! :)
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