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UE4 Bar Environment

polycounter lvl 4
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photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone! I'm back in the groove again. It's time to make another portfolio piece now that college is done. I've decided to make a bar environment. Something much smaller with a focus on sculpted details. Here are some screenshots of what I've got going on at the moment. Things should pick up more over this summer. I'm going to spend most of my free time modeling for it.

Here's the blockout so far. I have a few props that are in different states of completion.


  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Holy low ceilings batman! I'd suggest getting a human model in there asap and start making some decisions.....about sizes/scale.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Everything else is scaled appropriately but yeah that ceiling is going out first thing in the morning. It was from when I was experimenting with making it a fantasy tavern, but I decided to go for something more modern.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Holy low ceilings batman! I'd suggest getting a human model in there asap and start making some decisions.....about sizes/scale.

  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    LMAO That's the best. Don't worry I'll fix it I swears it. Also if you have any ideas for what you think I should add let me know. I'd like to have the second floor landing but I'm thinking of cutting it out in favor of having a central bar.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Hey everyone, sorry I've been silent lately. I've decided to make changes to the scene after hitting a few roadblocks with the vision I originally had for it. The goals of the space didn't match up with what I initially envisioned for the setting. I've decided to make it a modern lounge bar in a city. Here are some new shots of what everything is looking like right now. I'm going to work on the environment more and post again later on. SynNUA8.jpgthrGBqX.jpgd9vx4mb.jpg I made the bar a circle and created a lower level that will have seating for groups. I'm currently experimenting with having some kind of wooden walls.
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