Hi all i all ready asked somewhere here about this problem i still learning about FX but i cant get the thing that i want. So here is my problem i use 3dsmax
Resolution should be increased somehow, but looks like you got it and probably you see this Anyways, there is a way to import image sequences, and to use that as a flipbook (or similarly), which would give much more realistic result. Search for this -> 3dsmax image sequence texture/material, or something like this.
Faceted look: You can add smoothing groups, or smooth the faces manually. Smooth modifier, is what you need, or the smoothing part of the edit poly.
Tip - As you can see max can't figure out alone the triangulation at some places, and its better if you set a few with hand.
Disabled viewport: I don't exactly know why this is happening to you, but theoretically it should be enable itself again if you move the camera a little bit.
You've added control edge loops on the blade, so add these to the hilt as well if you want a sharp edge there. That's what the concept seems to be showing.
Maybe someone else can. However, the best way to learn is to keep trying different approaches. Post screenshots of your attempts, and ask for feedback.
Can some one send me to some kind of tutorials for making FX for games i wound some cool videos of buffs and skills i have seen they used 3dsmax for it but i wish i can know how and export and import in engines ?
Tip - As you can see max can't figure out alone the triangulation at some places, and its better if you set a few with hand.
Disabled viewport: I don't exactly know why this is happening to you, but theoretically it should be enable itself again if you move the camera a little bit.
It looks to me like you should take some time to understand how subdivision surfaces work. How control loops are subdivided to make smooth surfaces. Here:
Sometimes animated textures are created in Max, using a fluid sim.