I am delving into MODO and loving it so far but I do have a problem:
the MODO default "selecting back faces" selection is set to middle mouse button. However, I have my UI navigation set to 3DSMax in which MMB is Panning.
Where and how can I find what new key is mapped to ""selecting back faces" ?
I'd recommend you switch it back to MODO nagivation though, it winds up being a lot nicer with shift/ctrl/alt being the navigation style toggles. Especially if you wind up doing any sculpting, painting or general graphics tablet usage.
Thanks guys
^ This.
I use Modo's default and jump back and forth between a lot of programs that use Maya's navigation with ease, you will be fine. As someone said above, the default style fits really well when using a wacom tablet.
Maya having to use right and middle click for navigation feels much more mouse-centric.
This is a wise choice MisterSande, when i first started Modo it took me time to get the navigation down but over the course of a few evenings i finally got it.
I always try and force myself to jump in face first and let the app flow through me.
Yeah, I might have to try it for a few days then. It was nice how simple it was to get its navigation to mimic maya's though.
Currently the most issues I have with Modo is that I cannot find alternatives for certain max modeling tools. Did you find tools for:
- connect options (edge),
- edge extrusion (how I miss shift dragging edges)
- border selection, double clicking edges is 1 click too many
- swift loop, I know there is alt+c but it just isn't as fast to use.
+ Also, allot of tools like bevel use a '' count'' system where you determine the amount of connections/ bevels /roundness etc. I intuitively searched for 2 hotkeys to increase and decrease this amount but could not find any. Are they there or can I make them ?
+ Is there a hotkey or menupopup that allows me to select primitives ? Having to manually go to the top left to click is not helping my workflow.
My biggest complaint with Modo ATM is that I need to use the mouse allot over hotkeys. With the help of all you guys I'm sure I will end up with a decent config.
Edge Extend = Z (or edge extrude, shift+x)
Boundary: Go Select > Boundary... and bind that to something (Input Editor, it's fantastic)
Swift loop, under edge tab > Add Loop. Bind that to a key.
For increasing numeric things like bevel count, arrow keys. No idea what you mean by 'select primitives'.
Shift+T will triangulate selected polygons and selecting an edge and hitting V will spin the edge.
For border select, hold Shift and either click the plugin button or hit the number 3. If you have polygons selected, it'll select the border edges of the polygon selection. Might be Alt... it's just muscle memory now
Bridge I bound to Ctrl+B... no idea what the default is
You can right click and there is a primitive menu available from there. I think it only creates the primitives at the origin though.
With "" connect "" I was referring to adding edge loops between 2 edges by selecting the 2 edges and typing in how much connections/ edges you want.
I would try out all your suggestions and give feedback if it wasn't for me just hurting my lower back when biking /cry.
1, the extend edges tool "Z" does not seem to snap to the axis constraints. Can I enable this ?
2. How do I "fill" an open border ? , I want to be able to fill a border of an N-Gon so I can manually connect the verts when the border is filled.
3. Is there a hotkey to zero out an object to 0.0.0. coordinates ?
4. Can I select polygons by Angle like in 3DSMax ?
5. Are there hotkeys for Hide selected/Unhide selected ?
I really appreciate all the help here, thanks again
3. Not sure what you mean... move the vertices/polygons to 0,0,0 (there isn't a hotkey but in the basic tab on the right, Center Selected > All) or the item itself (you'd have to manually enter zeroes into the transform)? Or zero out the transform on the item (like reset xForm in Max) - for that it's in the Transform properties on the right Zero > All?
4. Yes, but not easily. I intend to write something up for that, will keep you posted
5. H is hide selected, Shift+H is hide unselected. U is unhide. Ctrl+H is toggle visibility. Same deal with J and I for "lock".
I will try to help some.
1-Not sure what you meant by this...You mean having snapping functionality on while the Edge Extend tool is active?
2-"P" for create polygon. In 901, you can go use Fill Quads too. The Bridge tool also fills gaps very well, as long as you make your selection in a way that Modo can interpolate the rest of the gap(Example: In a square border with 8 edges, select only two sides of the border and use bridge.)
3-Basic tab, below the primitives, on the "Center Selected" drop-down. I mapped "All" to a hotkey. Unless you're talking about zero the coordinates on the item level....
4-Interested in this as well.
5-"H" for Hide and "U" for Unhide. "Shift+H" to Hide unselected. However, this doesnt hide stuff visible in other Item layers, but I have a script for that, which is this one: view3d.inactiveInvisible state:?+
Bind it to a key(I use Alt+Q, same as Isolation Mode in Max, I believe).
If you grab an edge loop and move it you will be bound by axis constraints in whatever direction you are moving it (X,Y,Z.).
As soon as I press "Z'" for edge extrusion and try to move it the transform will be skewed, it makes it very hard to just extrude an edge vertically (or whatever X,Y,Z, direction you are going in ).
As an old 3dsMax user you can have the same very thing in Modo. If you would like to constraint to an axis (x,y,z) here's a little little trick not well known to Modo users.
Under the move tool, grab your edge loop and press the [0] digit (( this is located on a standard keyboard next to the digit 9, above the letter P, to the left of - (minus))
Once [0] is pressed you will notice that your gizmo disappeared but your still selecting - holding your edge loop *** (you need to hold the control button)***. ***(while holding control key)*** --> Try to move it in an imaginary z, y, or x axis. It's really a fine fine movement and it will lock on one of the axis where the motion of the mouse first moved.
It takes a little practice but will slowly sink in, press [0] to have your gizmo back.
It turns out that in order to "constrain your gizmo to an axis" you have "click and hold" the desired axis before you use, for example, the edge extension tool "Z".
However..it will work on this situation: "scaling" , shift extruding, an edge of an open cylinder (no cap on top).
2 more questions:
1. How do I scale vertices to the same plane ? 3DSMax has a "Make planar" function. Also in max the scale tool cannot go further than beyond the point where all vertices are scaled to the same plane.
2. Can I make circular cut projections on a plane/box ? A tool like the "Arc/arch" in google Sketchup would be super useful!
( I used to use a cylinder as reference and use the cuttool but there should be a faster way )
Btw guys, I am writing up a document which contains all my questions and much more tips for new MODO users. Let me know if there is any interest in this.
2. Not certain there. You could probably use the regular cut tool to put in a bunch of verts, then use the Radial Align tool to make them circular. There's also the various "Drill" tools, which should cut a projection of selected geometry down onto a surface... but I've not used those much.
Scratch that
There has to be a wayto contstraint to an axis while extrusion since the tool would be pretty useless without ... Even when you go to an orthographic view it will not work.
In the pic below I am locked to all axes (x,y,z) so no matter where the camera is I can just extend away:
Not sure if this is what your after
For the cylindrical cut, just position a cylinder and use a boolean or solid/axis drill.
For the modo document, go for it. I've got something similar (see signature) but it's a bit out of date and mostly regarding essential scripts rather than modo functionality. If you'd like I could add you to the editing list, I'd just need your email. Maybe a "FAQ" sections would be handy.
OOhh! i forgot to mention to press and hold "control" and then move along desired imaginary axis.
press [0], and hold ctrl + move to snap in the axis. It's so natural to use this method that i don't even think when i use the control button. (i will edit my post sorry)
meanwhile I have yet another question:
I tried using MODO's alternative to 3dsmax splines: curves and patches. Now, I made this shape with curves and had to manually convert all the parts in patches. This took a long time and it made me wonder if this cannot be done automatically (?) like in 3dsmax.
And yet again a new question ... : how can I move this edge loop towards the top of the edge ?
this is the simplest way in modo
Patch work in Modo in unthinkably slow, for a longtime i thought i was the only one mentally challenged when working with curves in Modo. Thanks for clearing out that it ain't Modo's fort