simplygon is an industry leading LOD and 3d asset optimization tool, that was suggested to me here by a fellow member.
so I looked through simplygon youtube video on how to use it with unity (short vid - [ame][/ame])
However, in unity, when i press create LODs, it creates the reduced version in the unity scene window and I can see the 3 extra models for example being there, but there's nothing in the project folder. The vid stated the new meshes will end up in a folder called LODs which will be created by simplygon when u press create LODs. The folder is created ut there are no models there unlike in the video. There is a pendingLODs folder inside it, but its empty. Nothing in the models folder either or anywhere else.
Tried google, tried simplygon team, who havent replied. Hoping someone here can help.
It would be nice to get it to work like it's supposed advice I can give right now is to wait for the Simplygon guys to get back to you, or hopefully someone else can help!
I also wonder if it takes a while for it to be optimized, or if you need a premium account for it to actually save for you. idk.