Hey Guys!
I'm proud to announce another long needed essential for Maya.
Generate primitives along a curve, or two points.
Easily create ropes, branches, shoelaces, belts, low poly hair, and many more, just to name a few!https://gumroad.com/l/primGen
thanks a ton for adding support for Maya 2014
One thing I've noticed is it doesn't seem to work on Bezier curves, is there any way to work that in?
I was also wondering if you could allow for custom profile curves - either closed or not would be super nice. I love all the control you have over the extrusion, so this could be super useful for any curve-based shapes!
Ged's idea would be rad too
I dunno if any of this is out of the scope of the tool, but awesome job already - you've been busting out some super useful stuff!
ill try and mess around with it today...please keep jammin the maya tools,... if you takin requests, a proper geopoly (make circle, or make even geo, rectangle to square), jsut like max would be a huge help. thanks for this though!!!!
Primgen v1.8 is out. There are some neat new features.
Is it already possible to select multiple splines and apply a primgen modifier? If not, would you consider trying to make this a feature? Thanks man!
[Edit] I see you can actually apply a primgen modifier to multiple splines at once, but you can't control them all at once in any way. That's the main thing I'm asking about.