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Painter - Making custom tools on the shelf, can I move them to other computers?

polycounter lvl 3
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jdgmntDay polycounter lvl 3
Like the title says, I'm going through and making a bunch of useful stamps with diff/height/roughness info, ones with text that say "SAFE" "SEMI" "BURST" or have logos or a checker patterns, and I'd like to be able to make them at home and bring them to work or vice versa. When I make one, where does it save? Is there any way I can conveniently package it up and move it around, and how would I import it if I could?


  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    You can create material preset, they will embed your resources (sbsar, texutres) into a single file that you can easily copy between computers. The material presets are stored into your shelf folder at : "Documents\Substance Painter\shelf\presets\materials"

    We will also have some improvements regarding the shelf to move more easily some other contents in the next version of Painter.
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