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Have you ever used Quixel DDO? I need your opinion! (nice and short student survey)


I'm VFX student working on a dissertation (in fact the deadline is this Friday!).
I'm researching texturing software and I need some opinions on Quixel DDO - I'm asking here because almost nobody I know has used it!
The survey asks about other software as well - I'm mostly interested in Quixel DDO but of course if you have a couple minutes to spare then please try to answer both of my survey questions as fully as you can (still, concise is good!).
I would greatly appreciate your input!

Here's link to the survey:



  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    You should ask in our quixel forum. I am moving this thread over to there.
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Quixel is fast, easy and effective but you trade that in for complexity and control over the texturing process. It's limited, which is it's biggest issue for me. 3D painting will hopefully solve that. That's why i see so many people moving to Substance, yes it's harder to learn but in the end you can create anything without the need for sculpting etc.

    oh right i was supposed to answer on the survey. well now you see it here too.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi Ninsel, hope your survey goes well!

    Loggie24 - I respectfully disagree that you lose control, but I agree there are some things the 3D painting will improve greatly. I actually snuck a peak of it last week, it felt oh so right!
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I used their old free version before. Their current version just doesn't work on my pc well.
    Beside they seems to move from procedural texture details to repetitive bitmap patterns. Too repetitive imo covering 1,5-2 meters of a surface and still slow working.

    Not big fan of Substance product line either. Too limiting and restricting around common work-flow, not always fitting for challenging tasks . But ok for quick simple things.

    Once Photoshop introduced their linked layers I did a big comeback to Photoshop. Not as convenient as nodes, still pretty similar plus Filter forge plugin for procedurals. I was able to get more naturally looking cracks with it than what substance designer recently shown. And imo easier to work with.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Loggie24, would be awesome to hear what you think is missing! you can send me a PM or email to eric.ramberg@gmail.com if you wanna talk it over further! :)
  • ninsei
    adam > Sorry about that.
    Eric Ramberg > Thanks :)

    Thanks for responses!
    Could you please all respond in the actual google form (in case you didn't): http://goo.gl/forms/49PuVRYQD5
  • Eric Ramberg
    I feel I would be somewhat bias :D
  • ninsei
    Eric > Oh yeah, I didn't mean you haha ;)

    Still, I might make use of some of your knowledge!
    What kind of updates are you guys planning for Quixel DDO? You mentioned 3D painting. Any details on that (or point me to some information if there is any!) or some other interesting improvements?
  • loggie24
    Offline / Send Message
    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi Ninsel, hope your survey goes well!

    Loggie24 - I respectfully disagree that you lose control, but I agree there are some things the 3D painting will improve greatly. I actually snuck a peak of it last week, it felt oh so right!
    When i said loose control i meant compared to traditional texturing in PS (not counting layer system though). I can't just import a texture and place it anywhere on my model unless i do god knows what, i am stuck with the default masks unless i make my own which can take a lot of tweaking (in the end i usually only use 3-4 of the masks because most of the time the rest are useless). You have no control over rotation of the texture which is a very bad thing i can't believe haven't been implemented yet.

    going to send you an email discussing this a bit more in depth.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Thanks for taking the time to write that E-mail loggie24! We appreciate all feedback :)
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