Home Quixel Megascans

IN PROGRESS: Wee Problem I cant find to fix

polycounter lvl 6
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Kiwi-Hawk polycounter lvl 6
Kia ora

Whe I first loaded the Quixel suit I was able to load a model and all the required
maps and create and in a sort time it's all done and dusted ready to tweek.

Now for some reason the program hangs at about %30 to %40 and stay there untill I click on the potoshop icon on my bar then a pop up shows up for me to save a file (this file has weird name, random letters) this happen a few times and once done I have a dir full of crap files with weird name to clean out.

I have no idea whats changed.

Thanks in advance for any and all idea;s whats happening


  • Eric Ramberg
    Offline / Send Message
    Hi Kiwi!

    I have a suspicion of what might be wrong, a few questions:
    Are all the input files in the same folder, is that folder on a network drive, or does that folder contain any non alphanumerical characters in the pathname?

    Have you changed the inputs in any way from last it worked? You can download some sample files from our wiki here
    and try set up a new project with them just to see if it works!
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