Im sorry if you saw this on the substance painter thread but someone told me i might get a better answer here sooo:
I want to render my model using marmoset toolbag, so i export my textures from Substance painter and i notice that on marmoset the area where the textures go have different names for them and i dont know where they should go.
Can someone tell me where would each of the textures go, i have: (texture files)
- Base color
- Height
- Metallic
- Normal
- Roughness
thank you in advance
Metallic goes in the metalic slot, but first you need to change the reflectivity model from specular to metalness.
Normal goes in the normal map slot in surface.
Roughness goes in the gloss map slot. If you're using roughness where white = most rough and black = most glossy, click the invert box.
Where you put your height map depends on what the content is meant for. If its a secondary bump map for file details, we do not support that function at this time, you will be better off converting that to a normal map and overlaying it with your base normal map or loading it in the secondary normal map slot in the detail normal surface model.
If its meant for parallax, change the normal map surface model to parallax and load it in the parallax slot.
If its meant for displacement, add a height input in the displacement module and load it there. Also be sure to add a tessellation method in the sub-division module.
Also, 'height' might be your working format in Painter but it can export as your normal map — this is the typical workflow for realtime assets. You can create your own export profile in SB to export all the channels you need under the file names you desire, making it easy to load into TB2, so I'd recommend doing that.