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Learning Anatomy Series - Critique Please (WIP)

polycounter lvl 6
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Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
Over the years i haven't really gotten anywhere with character sculpting. So i am now determined to start A sculpt everyday and learn as much as i can. I have previous threads but didn't do much with them.

Learning outcomes:

Character sculpting from head to toe.
Learning Anatomy and project that knowledge onto the sculpts.
Dynamesh sculpts
Working from concept
Likeness in sculpt like never before.

Program - Zbrush

a sculpt a day, and implementing critique onto the next sculpt.

Face Sculpt

Day 1

First Head sculpt using dynamesh (from sphere)




  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 2

    I've decided to start doing a sculpt of the Skull to understand the shapes inside the head. I have started the sculpt, which is shown in the link below. Please critique if possible :)

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 3


    Todays work: I tried to identify more areas of the face. I think the face shape is improving from different angles, i know i'm still far off. I went near the 1 million mark with polygons, but it hard work not pushing higher (still thinking like an amateur).

    I think i am done with this face for today because i have the skull to upload and my own face which i have been working on for a week now. Please Critique pm areas i really need to think about and major/ minor problems i am making.

    Further work for today will be uploaded Asap
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Human Male Skull Which was updated From the last post. Didn't really go into high ultra detail just worked on form and shapes

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Final Upload for today is a self portrait sculpt, which i managed to start a few days ago and the picture below is the progress i have made on it.

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 4- another sculpt another day

    Aims- fix areas of the scull such as the nose, soften teeth areas of the skul, further work on the teeth getting them to look more natural.

    If I have time I will be making a start on the muscles in the face face. Learn more words and continue to learn names of the face so I could Identify areas of the face More accurately.

    Finally to finish of the day with a sculpt based around the skull. Create some decent eyes which I could reuse in further sculpts.

    I personally tthink I should do individual parts of the face seprately, this way I sm concentrating on specific areas. Well see how I progress today.

    Any critique will be great so I could understand what I'm missing or doing wrong
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    That skull has a pretty nasty underbite which is affecting your other heads. Unless you're doing a fairly atypical facial structure, you need to grab that jaw and pull it back and up a smidgen so that the upper teeth overlap the lower ones. This should help get you a more natural looking facial structure.
  • noosence
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    noosence polycounter lvl 9
    So I did a quick paint over to show you the areas I believe you could improve on. The features seem to be a bit exaggerated. This tends to happen with newer artists, especially with the eyes. We try to make the eyes more important by giving them more real estate on the face. Also the ears tend to line up with the top of the eyebrows and the bottom of the nose. I also moved the eyes/ eyebrows down a bit to place the center of the eyes closer to the middle of the face. I also pushed in the mouth a bit as well. If you see in the middle face the vertical red line represents where the mouth will normally line up with the inside of the eye. But these are just general guidelines, and this is a self portrait so I have no idea what you actually look like haha =] hope this helps, and keep it up you're doing really well!

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you guys for the info iv just started on it, then seen Ur comments. So im gonna back track to where I left of yesterday and focus on the areas identified in your much appreciated critique.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 5

    Just practicing to get a likeness on a stylized/cartoon character made from head but disney inspired. I've had a little break on sculpting just a couple of days. But today i'm back on to work on the problems highlighted in the comments.

  • drizs
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    drizs polycounter lvl 17
    Great stuff sofar. Just keep at it! :)

    Do some basics once in awhile as well, I recommend doing this one every now and then: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/08/32/230832de29ff2ce9ae6d0b8956ebbedc.jpg
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Another Sculpt Another day (haven't posted in a while)


    Same poses different render


    Any Critique will be great,

    Hopefully i have touched upon aspects covered in previous critique, i decided to create a new head rather then improving previous heads. Today i will be showing of the improved skull based of critique (currently sculpting). My computer crashed so i had to start back again from previous file.

    (This is Rick Hoffman From Suits (i can see a major difference, hopefully y'all can help me what exactly im doing wrong))
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Human Skull with critique changes. Hopefully its allot better now.

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 7

    Please Critique, need to understand why the face still looks off

    New face sculpt with closed eye. wanted to concentrate on other areas of the face. such as the nose and the mouth


    different shadow render

  • Joviah
    Human Skull with critique changes. Hopefully its allot better now.


    This skull looks much better than your first. Proportions are getting there. Nice work! I think you'll look back and be amazed at your progress, even in a short bit of time.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Hey thank you for your comments, started to get little bit more confident as i am learning a huge amount. Still suck at constantly checking references.

    Any more Critique on the actual heads will be great
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 8

    My next head will be a female head, as i feel the proportions and planes on the human head are coming out quite well. Or i could be wrong but not picking up on certain things.

    My new head for today, thought id scare him up a bit as well, gave him some personality/history.


  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    I would suggest that rather than doing a head everyday. Spend a few days on one head. Understand and study reference as much as possible. Good progress so far :)
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Kool, i shall take on your advice and take a few days on it, and try get use to using references more. This one area i'm lacking on in general with my 3d work.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Day 9

    I will be taking on tac0m advice and will spend a few days and learn Anatomy, Attempt a good Likeness and get use to using reference more often when sculpting. I have decided to do a women since i haven't done one before on this thread.

    I have chosen to sculpt Jennifer Garner (Picture Below)


    Within the next few hours i will be posing up regularly to showcase progress :)
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