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Creating Texture from Sculpt | print screens in Mudbox like in zBrush?

Hey guys,

I have posted something similar 2 days ago but I didn´t got my Question completely answered, maybe because it was too inaccurately so I decided to try it again.

So I saw Fanny Vergne´s work (1.) and was very impressed. I just love this stylized/hand painted style and before I saw her work, I thought the best way to do this style is to create a model and just hand paint on it. After I read her tutorial (2.) on vertex magazine, I wanted to create my own tiling texture like this because I think this way you can get very good results with nice details.

Because I don’t have zBrush I use the free student version of Mudbox just to try out creating textures this way before I buy an 800$ Program.

So now I have sculpted some Rocks onto a plane. I have baked normal-, ambient occlusion- and height maps just like Fanny did. Then she made these renders in zBrush, I think it’s called print screens. Now I don’t know how to create them in Mudbox. Do I need zBrush for that? Is this just like a screenshot? Because her sculpt doesn’t have any UVs. If it was so how should it work for 3D models like this (3.)?

I would be really thankful if you could help me!

1. http://fafart.blogspot.de/p/wow.html
2. Simple Version: http://fafart.blogspot.de/p/tutorial.html
Complex Version: http://imgur.com/Qq8WhqR
3. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/413275703282142872/


  • skodone
    Offline / Send Message
    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    hey :) you could just save you mudbox sculpts and bring them into maya or 3ds max. There you render them in mental ray, vray or whatever render you prefer. this you can use as the base for painting now :) you dont need zBrush to render...just if your sculpt is so high poly, that the other softwares cant handle them :P hmm but still i think you could even render them in keyshot or marmoset...they can handle a lot of polys and theres 30day free trials.
  • onionhead_o
    Offline / Send Message
    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    i think the equivalent would be viewport filters. once your have the one your want. Press A on keyboard to center your view, its best to do this on Ortho views like Top or front view. Then zoom in until the plane touchs the edge of the viewport. Go to Render on top, save screen image> turn off constrain proportions set to 1024 or higher. Do that for all your passes.


    Theres also custom shaders like zbrushs materials. In mudbox they are called litspheres.

    heres a link to some ready made ones http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/general-discussion/mudbox-litsphere-library/td-p/4069999
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