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Lend Me a Hand (3D scene from a concept drawing

polycounter lvl 5
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gem2492 polycounter lvl 5
I'm planning to remake this old drawing (2011) of mine into a CG scene.


I know the proportions are so, so bad, so I apologize. I've learned a lot since then (well, proportion-wise).

I also thought this would be a good opportunity to study anatomy as well, so good luck to me.

Here's the girl so far...


I gave her a pouty look because I just thought it's cute, but some of my friends say it looks wrong. What do you think? Not that it matters much because she'll be opening her mouth anyway, but I just wanna know.

Also, comments on the anatomy are very much appreciated :)

Do you think her body build is appropriate? Or should I make her more petite (based on the concept)?
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