So i saw a clip of a 2d gameengine, i forgot what game it was for aswell.
But in theengine, it was more or less like a blank canvas. The artist showcasing
drew sum robot thing, with arms and other parts, and then started to bend and rotate parts. and suddenly he ha a playable character jumping around.
The intresting thing was that it didnt really have a large gui, and it seemed to have very intuitive workflow.
The art was very stylistic, and felt like the artist was a graffitiartist at the bottom.
I have tried googling, but since my searchwords are all to generic, i get nada. and this is a fairly old engine. I think its about 4-5 years old.
but having a shitty memory iam not sure.
Anyone remember?
SUper annoying. The art was outlined, grey, yellow black.
I hafto do sum serious googling. Ill post it if i find it.
But thanks for that game tip haha. Awesome stuff
I havent used it but to my knowledge, Construct would be your go-to if you dont want to programm
Else I can really recommend Game Maker Studio as a 2D engine if you want a easy introduction into programming
and its pretty powerful
Shrike, no, iam not intrested in coding, and this is just a pure intrest. To be able to paint, and then with a mouse click, animate, and with another mouseclick play. Coders code so ppl shouldnt code. How else can we get skynet.