Hey everyone! So I'm working on this personal project, and kind of ran into this stump involving modeling assets for dynamics in Unreal Engine 4.
I'm trying to have a house be hit by a missile. The house isn't supposed to completely blow up, just a portion of the house gets a big hole in it.
I was wondering, is there a specific way I should model the house for it to be destroyed in UE4? I've tried importing the whole house as one mesh and it just made the whole house explode, and I'm not sure if bringing it in pieces (with the parts that'll blow up be separate) is the right way to do it, because my content browser kind of gets crazy when I do that. lol Or is the dynamics really good at taking care of what parts explode and such?
This is the test modular house I've been using btw, I hid the third floor wall so you can see that there are objects inside:
I've been teaching myself Unreal for the past week or so and would love some help or advice.
Polycount seems like a really great place to ask. Any help at all would be awesome! Thanks!