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QC error with GUIStudioMDL 2.2 (SOURCE ENGINE)

Hi guys, I'm having a problem where this QC file:

$cd "C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/degroot/Stickey_Launcher/Compiled"

$modelname "weapons/c_models/c_MaccyF_Launcher/c_MaccyF_Launcher.mdl"

$model "c_MaccyF_Launcher" "c_MaccyF_Launcher.dmx.smd"

$bodygroup "body"
studio "c_MaccyF_Launcher.smd"

$cdmaterials "models/weapons/c_MaccyF_Launcher/"

$attachment "eject_brass" "weapon_bone" 2.22 4.18 9.1 rotate 0 27.29 0
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0 2.15 24.79 rotate 0 0 0

$surfaceprop "metal"

$contents "solid"

// NOTE: The following commented-out $definebone lines might be needed, as is often the case for view models. When needed, simply remove the two slashes '//' from the start of each line.
// $definebone "weapon_bone" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// $definebone "weapon_bone_1" "weapon_bone" 1.51299 2.825698 2.896748 1.570796 -1.023108 -1.570796 0 0 0 0 0 0
// $definebone "weapon_bone_2" "weapon_bone" -7.062339 -1.011958 9.538335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" "idle.smd"
fps 30

//$collisionmodel "c_sticky_jumper_physics.smd"
//$mass 1
//$inertia 1
//$damping 0
//$rotdamping 0


Gives this log:
qdir: "c:\users\alex\desktop\degroot\stickey_launcher\co mpiled\"

gamedir: "F:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\"

g_path: "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\degroot\Stickey_Launcher\Co mpiled\c_MaccyF_Launcher.qc"

Building binary model files...

Working on "c_MaccyF_Launcher.qc"

SMD MODEL C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/degroot/Stickey_Launcher/Compiled/c_MaccyF_Launcher.dmx.smd

SMD MODEL C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/degroot/Stickey_Launcher/Compiled/c_MaccyF_Launcher.smd

SMD MODEL C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/degroot/Stickey_Launcher/Compiled/idle.smd

ERROR: c:\users\alex\desktop\degroot\stickey_launcher\com piled\c_MaccyF_Launcher.qc(33): - bad command {

ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'weapons/c_models/c_MaccyF_Launcher/c_MaccyF_Launcher.mdl'

GUISMDL doesn't seem to like the "{ }"s in the QC file, but without it i get unknown command errors.

If anyone is able to help i'll be really grateful.


  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    MaccyF wrote: »

    //$collisionmodel "c_sticky_jumper_physics.smd"
    //$mass 1
    //$inertia 1
    //$damping 0
    //$rotdamping 0


    You need to comment out those brackets too.
    Right now it's empty parameter brackets with nothing and I think that's causing the error.

    Change to this
    //$collisionmodel "c_sticky_jumper_physics.smd"
        //$mass 1
        //$inertia 1
        //$damping 0
        //$rotdamping 0

    You might be able to do this as well to comment the whole section. Can't remember it's been ages since I used QC.
    $collisionmodel "c_sticky_jumper_physics.smd"
        //$mass 1
        //$inertia 1
        //$damping 0
        //$rotdamping 0
  • MaccyF
    Thanks for answering, but unfortunately even with those commented out I'm still getting the same error. :(
  • MaccyF
    Ok, im now using a different QC:
    $modelname "weapons/c_models/c_MaccyF_Launcher/c_MaccyF_Launcher.mdl"
    $model "Body" "c_MaccyF_Launcher.dmx.smd"
    $cdmaterials "models/weapons/c_models/c_MaccyF_Launcher"
    $cdmaterials ""
    $hboxset "default"
    $hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -4.130 -7.264 -25.883 4.482 11.755 16.272

    // Model uses material "models/weapons/c_models/c_MaccyF_Launcher/c_MaccyF_Launcher.vmt"
    $attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 15.17 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
    $attachment "backblast" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 -25.28 rotate 90.00 -0.00 0.00
    $surfaceprop "metal"
    $illumposition -5.081 0.176 2.245
    $sequence idle "idle" loop fps 15.00
    //$collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {

    //$mass 9.0
    //$inertia 1.00
    //$damping 0.00
    //$rotdamping 0.00

    $scale "1.0"

    the model now works in HLMV, but I'm getting the pink checkers with the error "Model attempted to load one or more VMTs it can't find"

    my vmt and vtf are in this directory:
    F:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials\models\weapons\c_models\c_MaccyF_Launcher

    and they are called c_MaccyF_Launcher.vtf and c_MaccyF_Launcher.vmt

    in my SMD file, the triangles are pointing to c_MaccyF_Launcher.tga

    In HLMV it says Materials used: "Launcher" which is obviously not right :(

    EDIT: fixed it, i was missing a backslash at the start of the directory path :/
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