I started on an adventure about 3 months ago to learn about 3d modeling, scene, and asset creation for gaming. No education or experience, just as a hobby. With some good direction and advice from a friend, I really got into it.
Aside from needing more practice, I would like to get community feedback, tips, or advice please on my recent scene.
This was created in Unity, with my own textures, speed trees, 3d models.
Substance Designer/painter/B2M
Machine World
were used to create this in low poly.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
First off what is the focal point of your scene. If I had to guess right now I am assuming the broken down stone structure is the focal point.
Second, I know this is a WIP so just something to keep in mind when lighting is making sure all the light sources make sense. So that greenish glow coming from the stone structure, where is that coming from? Is it a mystical glow surrounding the structure?
Third, In your scene I notice tons of green due to the foliage. I would recommend adding in some rocks to add some contrast in color besides your stone structure.
Fourth, Master what you need and expand later. I ran into this problem as well this year. I wanted to learn all the different new software, techniques and workflows. Pick a few and master them well before expanding your software knowledge. 3D Package, Sculpting Package, and Texture creation package.
Good job so far and keep it up! Can't wait to see more progress on this scene.
These are great questions to ask myself and I will incorporate them into my work flow.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
This was a simple terrain I made, to get a grasp on texturing masks. My question is (or where I would like feedback) does this look like the proper use of world machines height/slope masking to get texturea in Unity?